Daily blog posts: Year 8, day 1
After some scattered posts dating to 2008, today in 2011 I wrote my first post in an unbroken daily series leading to today, with no future break planned.
So today is day 1 of year 8.
That’s 2,551 days in a row and 2,852 posts (I posted more than one per day), for those keeping track.
It become my first sidcha, followed by burpees, cold showers, picking up garbage, and others.
Some people see the streak as a feat. As with burpees, I increasingly see it not as a big accomplishment, but like brushing my teeth. My unbroken streak in brushing my teeth daily goes back to college at least. I hope you don’t see brushing my teeth as an accomplishment. It’s not a big deal, just something I value enough to make a daily part of my life. Would you go to sleep without brushing your teeth?
People often ask how I come up with the ideas. Not that I claim all my posts are world-class, though I consider many great, but I come up with the ideas with the skills I develop by writing. Until I started writing daily, I lacked the skills to create ideas. Practice developed the skills.
When Inc. asked me to justify my ability to write, I didn’t have to convince. I just sent them a link to my archive. Actions speak louder than words.
When I wrote my book, Leadership Step by Step, I used those skills. It became a bestseller with 94% 5-star reviews. Practice makes perfect.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees