More of why I don’t think of vegetables, fruit, and exercise as preventing cancer, heart disease, and diabetes
My article today, Why I Don’t Think of Vegetables, Fruit, and Exercise as Preventing Disease, begins
Why I Don’t Think of Vegetables, Fruit, and Exercise as Preventing Disease
Why consider unhealthy normal? Why not consider healthy the default?
I’ve written before that I don’t think of diet, exercise, and behavior as preventing cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. I’m not a medical doctor, so this article isn’t about medical advice.
It’s about leading yourself. It’s about beliefs and mental models, which you can choose, which influences yourself, your behavior, and others’ too.
Recent articles touting “Exercise ‘keeps the mind sharp’ in over-50s, study finds” and “Cycling to work can cut cancer and heart disease, says study” prompt me to follow up.
I love that people are promoting healthy activity, but I notice something I consider counterproductive: they treat lack of exercise as the default.
Read the rest at Why I Don’t Think of Vegetables, Fruit, and Exercise as Preventing Disease.

My article today. Click to read it.
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