Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (My Inc. article today)
Read my article on Inc. today: “Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists”
It begins
Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists
What is today’s greatest source of creativity, expression, social change, progress, innovation, introspection, performance, determination, struggle, challenge, and even truth and beauty?
Artists change how we see and think about the world. Visiting Paris’s Musee D’Orsayfor the first time in twenty years made me wonder if artists today are changing how we see the world like a century ago.
Manet, Monet, Degas, Cezanne, their peers, mentors, and legacies–to pick one of countless lineages–provoked discussion and debate in their time and affected society and culture forever. The biggest debates on art in my time surrounded a photograph of a crucifix in urine and a portrait of the virgin Mary with feces.
Maybe I’m shortsighted, but today’s art seems to lack something of former times. I wondered who, if anyone, measured up.
See why it includes these images by reading more at Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists”

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