Forbes profiles three graduates of my course!
Forbes’s Carrie Kerpen profiled three graduates of my entrepreneurship course in, “Three Important Lessons Women Learn Early In Their Careers.”
The three students—Nikita, Grace, and Nahima—did the course’s exercises with diligence and discipline. None of them knew how experiential the course would be and didn’t expect to create projects that impassioned them or their customers as much as they did.
In other words, they didn’t have secret or magical skills you and I don’t. They had direction and worked at it. You can too (shameless plug: if you take my course).
Her story begins:
I often write about the wisdom I’ve gained from women with long, successful careers. But I’ve learned just as much from young women at the very start of their journeys, too. I recently had the pleasure of hearing incredible stories from three former students from Josh Spodek’s social entrepreneurship class at NYU—and each woman had an important leadership lesson to share.
You Are Your Own Best Advocate
As a sophomore at NYU, Nikita Roach decided to try a course in the fundamentals of social entrepreneurship. “At the time, I did not plan to start a business, develop a product, or innovate a solution,†she remembers.
Read the rest at Three Important Lessons Women Learn Early In Their Careers!
About Carrie:
Carrie Kerpen is CEO and co-founder of Likeable Media, an award-winning digital content studio that is a 4 time winner of Crain’s “Best Places to Work in NYC.†A regular podcaster, keynote speaker, and columnist for Inc. and Forbes, she provides a behind the scenes look at what the digital revolution has done for women’s professional careers, personal lives, and overall senses of self. Follow her on Twitter @carriekerpen or visit her at
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