Hear me on the Leadership Happy Hour with USN Lt. Commander Chip Lutz

December 2, 2019 by Joshua
in Audio, Leadership, Nature

First, a few words about the man who hosted me on this wonderful podcast. From his about page:

Lieutenant Commander Chip Lutz, USN(Ret), MSEd, CSP, is the President and founder of Unconventional Leader, LLC and has 30 years of solid leadership experience. A retired Navy Officer, he has had two command tours and also served as the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th 2001.  In that capacity,  he was responsible for the safety and security of 25,000 people on 6 different Naval Installations in the National Capital Region during one of our Nations most trying times.

A seasoned educator and trainer, he is currently adjunct faculty for two different universities and has taught over 20 different classes in leadership, management, human resource development, and organizational behavior. He is the author of 5 books, is the father of 4 children, has 2 grandchildren, is the youngest of 6 children and remains, to this day, his mother’s favorite child.

We spoke on leadership, the environment, what to do, and more amid laughter and discovery.

Click here to listen to the episode

Here are the episode notes:

“Action is the key to all success.”  – Pablo Picasso

I always appreciate people who make me think a little different.  It’s easy to get in a rut in life….just going along always doing what you’ve always done.  Get set….this episode is going to challenge your thinking!

I had the great pleasure to talk with Dr. Joshua Spodek.  He is a super smart guy that will challenge you to think a little different, be a little different and, most importantly, act on what matters in doing so.  I had a great time talking with him and I know you’ll dig our conversation.  Get ready to shift rudder!


Click here to listen to the episode

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