I started in sustainability trying to restore nature. Now I see we have to restore humanity.
When I started working on sustainability instead of hoping someone else would fix our problem, I saw my goal as restoring nature, also conserving and protecting it.
Learning that our environmental problems result from our behavior, which results from our culture, has taught me that we have to work on ourselves.
I see how much our culture promotes addiction, pollution, depletion, and plunder.
I see that we are abandoning or have abandoned values and practices of stewardship, doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, leaving it better than we found it.
Since pollution, depletion, and plunder destroy life, liberty, and property, I see we no longer promote a government protecting life, liberty, and property.
My goals have shifted from restoring nature to restoring our lost humanity—that is, stewardship and protecting each other’s life, liberty, and property.

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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees