If you build or buy a home in Phoenix, AZ, your claims that you “need air conditioning” lose credibility, as do your claims to others’ resources.

July 16, 2024 by Joshua
in Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership, Nature

The title says it all, but for clarity, I’ll generalize: if you choose to do something that requires polluting, depleting, or plundering, you don’t get to claim your life requires living unsustainably. You don’t get to then make claims on others’ resources.

A life requiring hurting others is not liberty. Its’ the opposite: it’s destroying other people’s liberty. Why don’t I spend all my money and then claim you have to support me?

If you do something today that you know tomorrow will force you to hurt others, that consequence isn’t a part of life. It’s the result of your choice.

On a global scale, our sleepwalking into living unsustainably doesn’t mean we have to keep living unsustainably or that life requires polluting, depleting, or plundering, which destroy life, liberty, and property. The best we can do about past choices that forced us into depriving others of life, liberty, and property is to own up to those choices and do our best to reverse them.

In a world in which what people create you can destroy with impunity, people lose hope for a better future. We become isolated as we reduce our communities to whom we can protect ourselves. There are reasons even the most ardent supporters of limited government, that I know of at least, don’t promote no government.

If you dig yourself into a hole, don’t keep digging.

The United States Constitution
The United States Constitution

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