Join my workshop in the Bronx, October 8th, on living off the grid in NYC and enjoy some solar-power-cooked stew!

September 23, 2022 by Joshua
in Leadership, Nature

At noon Saturday, October 8th, I’ll lead my next workshop on sustainable living at one of my favorite spots in New York City: Drew Community Garden, on the Bronx River, in the middle of an underserved neighborhood.

I compare Drew Garden with Central Park with how much I like the space, in some ways favorable because it’s maintained by a few people in the community and every part of it exudes their personal passion and care. Plus the Bronx River runs clean there. They reclaimed the space from being a dump.

I consider it an honor to contribute to the space. I’ll make a batch of my famous no-packaging vegan stew, this time powered by solar panels and battery–closer to sustainable, though still a ways to go.

Register and find directions here:


Here’s a picture from last time. You can see more at my post after that time, My second Bronx cooking workshop to fill in food deserts, in one of New York City’s most beautiful spots. If you have any questions, ask away. I’m sure others will benefit from the answer

Register and find directions here:


Here’s the text from the invitation:

Learn How To Live Off-Grid

About this event

Join us at Drew Community Garden for a workshop with Joshua Spodek. Find out how he’s living off grid and learn :

  • How to lower your electric bill
  • What are the challenges involved
  • How going off-grid impacts our environment and society
  • … and a whole lot more

Josh will be making a batch of his yummy stew, in his pressure cooker, at the garden. We ask that you PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BOWL & SPOON to help in our efforts to eliminate waste and land pollution. (Disposable bowls and utensils will NOT be provided.)

Únase a nosotros en Drew Community Garden para un taller con Joshua Spodek. Descubra cómo está viviendo fuera de la red y aprenda:

  • Cómo reducir la factura de la luz
  • ¿Cuáles son los desafíos involucrados?
  • Cómo desconectarse de la red afecta nuestro medio ambiente y la sociedad
  • … Y mucho más

Josh preparará un lote de su delicioso estofado, en su olla a presión, en el jardín. Le pedimos que POR FAVOR TRAIGA SU PROPIO TAZÓN Y CUCHARA para ayudar en nuestros esfuerzos por eliminar los desechos y la contaminación de la tierra. (NO se proporcionarán tazones ni utensilios desechables).

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