Learn to lead without relying on authority: Two workshops this week. You’re invited.
The Leadership and the Environment podcast team is growing, which means expanding to new ways to
- Develop people’s leadership and
- Act on the environment
I’ve interviewed Ryan and Ben, the podcast’s newest teammates so you’ll get to meet them when their interviews get processed. In the meantime, we’ve organized two leadership development workshops THIS WEEK: Wednesday and Thursday, 6pm–8pm at NYU.
Click these links to register and for the details, maps, etc.
The event descriptions
Want to improve as a leader?
Do you care about the environment enough to act on it?
Do both! (while having fun and meeting people)
Learn to lead without authority.
It turns out that leading your boss works like leading people on the environment. Learning one means learning the other.
You are invited to Meaningful Connection, the first in a series of active, fun, interactive workshops helping the you learn the skills of leadership as taught by Joshua Spodek, of the award-winning Leadership and the Environment podcast.
Hosted by Joshua Spodek PhD MBA, author of the bestselling Leadership Step by Step, host of the award-winning Leadership and the Environment podcast, columnist at Inc., and adjunct professor of leadership and entrepreneurship at NYU.
In this workshop, you will learn to
- Make a meaningful connection with anyone in minutes, even people with high status or whom you just met
- Make others feel comfortable sharing meaningfully, openly, without anxiety
- Create two-way relationships
- Apply the meaningful connection to lead them, even people with high status or whom you just met
You’ll have fun, learn, meet like-minded people, and walk away with a smile.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees