Looking to Silicon Valley, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Washington DC, or Academia for sustainability solutions is like looking to the Sacklers for opiate addiction solutions

July 14, 2023 by Joshua
in Addiction, Education

The title says it all: Looking to Silicon Valley, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Washington DC, or Academia for sustainability solutions is like looking to the Sacklers for opiate addiction solutions.

The Sacklers know how to increase opiate use. They profit from it. They know how to increase sales. They know how to rationalize and justify addicting and hurting people so they can feel good hurting people. They have convinced themselves that their actions harming people are helping them. Why would they stop?

The people and communities in the title relate to polluting, depleting, and, for that matter, addicting as the Sacklers do to addicting. That includes most of (though, not all) the Silicon Valley, Washington DC, academia communities, including Bill Gates and Elon Musk. They have convinced themselves that their actions harming people are helping them. Why would they stop?

On the contrary, they’ll push for more of what they’re doing.

Photo by Toby Talbot/AP/REX/Shutterstock (6220781c)

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