First half-marathon of the year
New York City has a sunny, breezy, dry day in the sixties. Yet another perfect day for running. How could I resist. I’ve made a Memorial Day weekend tradition of my first long runs of the year to start the summer.
Some details that make running fun
- The saltiness of the sweat mixed in the water when you shower after
- The exhaustion on finishing
- Continuing to run when your body says stop but you know you can keep going
- Running the long downhill on 58th Street from Central Park to the Hudson that you earned running up that hill before
- The cool breeze on your skin
- How much water you can drink during and after, and how satisfying it feels—just plain cool water
- The chafing under your arm not getting so bad that you have to stop
- Wondering if the chafing in a new spot came from building more muscle
- The wonderment of being able to start the running season with a seven-mile run, a six-mile run, a three-and-a-half mile run (yesterday), and a twelve-to-fourteen-mile run
- Enjoying not knowing the exact distance, just feeling how it feels
- Feeling the tautness of your abs when the fat is mostly gone
I hope your Memorial Day weekend is going as well!
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