Looking for a mastermind group?
Do you have ideas or potential you’re looking to develop? Do you find having others help while you help them spurs more creativity and action?
Then you may want to work with a mastermind group.
My friend and fellow coach, Silvia Christmann, is leading two eight-week curated groups, one starting September 15, the other September 20. While I coach, I don’t have any stake in her work. I can tell you that if you like my perspective and how I work, you’ll like working with her too. She has helped me through difficult times with sensitivity and caring. She has effective entrepreneurial, coaching, and leadership skills.
Click here to learn more and sign up
Click here for a webinar to learn more
Click here to learn more about Silvia
Again, I don’t have a stake in her workshop. I only recommend and vouch for the quality of her work and bedside manner.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees