Meet the Global CEO of Deloitte, Barry Salzberg, March 19!

March 3, 2015 by Joshua
in Education, Events, Leadership

If you think you could learn from a leader with over 200,000 people reporting to him, operating in over 150 countries, and producing over $30 billion in revenue, I recommend meeting Barry Salzberg, Global CEO of Deloitte.

Most of us wish for leaders like him. He rose through one firm over 38 years, retiring to teach leadership at Columbia Business School. His legacy includes championing Deloitte University, a $300 million world-class learning and development center, and helping weather Enron and Anderson undermining the industry.

Yet he remains down-to-earth, approachable, and dedicated to helping others. On March 19 he’ll speak with the Columbia Business School Alumni Club (everyone is welcome). I recommend joining!

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From the club’s announcement page:

Meet Global CEO of Deloitte Barry Salzberg

Narry Salzberg

After a renowned 38 year career at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, CEO Barry Salzberg is moving to Columbia Business School as its newest Leadership Professor.

As Global CEO of Deloitte, over 200,000 people report to him from over 150 countries producing over $30 billion in revenue in the over 150-year-old firm.

Barry’s tenure saw global challenges including reacting to Enron’s undermining of trust of the entire industry, globalization disrupting Deloitte’s 47 member firms in over 150 countries, and choosing to build a Deloitte University, a $300 million educational institution unexpectedly during the ’08 recession, now the subject of an HBS case study and increasingly identified as Barry’s successful legacy.

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Barry will discuss the personal, professional, and company-wide challenges he and his teams faced and overcame, focusing on executive decision-making processes — how he and his teams handled such huge crises, opportunities, failures, and success, keeping teams together and operating effectively. Through it all, Barry retained an authentic, genuine, magnetic character that comes across in all his communications.

Barry will teach Columbia Business School’s flagship Top Management Processes class, among other roles. Alumni will benefit from learning from this inside view of his remarkable tenure and enduring legacy. We can also give to future generations of students by welcoming him to such an honored position and sharing our experiences learning leadership there.

Date:  Thursday, March 19, 2015

Time:  6:00 – 8:00PM

Location:  Deloitte, 1633 Broadway (btwn 50th& 51st), 35th Floor, New York City. Guests enter on 50th Street and check-in at building security desk with government ID. Then, proceed to 36th floor, announce yourselves and you’ll be directed to 35th floor. Reception after on 36th floor.

Cost: $30 for CBSAC/NY Members and CBS Students, $50 for non-members.


Special offer: Get a membership with the event ticket option: Enjoy the many benefits of CBSAC/NY Membership and get the event free with a membership ticket: $75 for CBS Alumni, $115 for non-CBS Alumni [sign up for this event by purchasing the $75 or $115 ticket for this event, we’ll make you a member!]  Sign up for the event at either the CBS Alum rate of $75 or the non-CBS Alum rate of $115 and you are automatically a member.

Click here to buy tickets!!!

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Organizers:  Distinguished Leaders Co-Chairs:  Laura Thompson and Lena Beck, and committee members, Josh Spodek, Maurice Triquet, Pei-cen Lin, and Laura Espriu.

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