More solar challenges. Not giving up.
My building is doing construction so I don’t have roof access.
Do I give up?
Hell no! That’s what everyone else is doing and it’s making them miserable. And killing people (and wildlife).
I have to figure out something longer term, maybe getting certified to go into a construction site (I’ve been trained and certified for things like it before, when my first company, Submedia, constructed our displays in subway systems around the world) or working with a neighbor to access their roof.
In the meantime, I’m charging down the block and, when the sun allows, in a nearby park. It’s not optimal, though I enjoy when neighbors and people passing by ask me about it. They’re getting a kick out of it. On the other hand, it’s barely above freezing, in the mid-30s F (2 or 3 C). Plus I can’t leave the panels out while I do something else. I can only charge until I have to go to the bathroom.
Here are pictures. First, a picture in the park from yesterday afternoon a woman walking her dogs took for me.

Why bother?
The point of my doing this isn’t to set an example or because I expect or want other people to live this way. The point is to get past this challenge, to figure out how to make stewardship easy, natural, and mainstream. I don’t like living this way either, but I’d rather live this way than capitulate.
You can live by “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die,” but I prefer meaning and purpose, alleviating suffering.
Earlier in the day, I had to work on a bench by a small parklet. Sorry I didn’t get anyone to take pictures of me there.

Here are more pictures from the park.

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