My beliefs from a week of writing them
Here are the results of doing the exercise from this post, “An exercise in knowing your beliefs; so you can change them.” for a week. I wrote beliefs down each day, then put them on a file on my computer. I didn’t keep track of what order I wrote them in, so the numbers don’t mean anything. I just use them for reference.
I’m including my word-for-word results to show that the exercise output—what you will create when you do the exercise—is only sixty-odd sentence fragments. They may not make sense to anyone else, but I expect you’ll find you’ll write in your shorthand too. What you write only has to make sense to you.
There were a few I wrote but didn’t include here because they were too intimate. You’ll come up with those too. They may help you understand your relationships.
Low standards first time
Skiing/surfing model of decision-making
Getting to Yes four rules
Feedforward and the models leading to it
Karate master never falling still always losing balance
Everybody gets fifteen minutes
Stress is you want the world to be one way and it’s another
Your body physically manifests your thoughts and beliefs
Samurai walk on goals
For most tasks people’s ability don’t vary that much; Anything one person can do I can too
No such thing as traits
You have to say no to a lot of good things to have a great life
Getting things done and the mind struggles to remember
Everybody does their best / Don’t look for blame, responsibility
Difficulty with effort
It matters even when no one can see
Every moment counts / Why we prefer winning the lottery to paralysis
Martha Graham quotes
You can choose your beliefs / Always interpret everything positively
You can look for problems or solutions. You’ll find what you look for.
Coaching and Michelangelo quote (friendship too)
Noticing mango tastes better (avoiding living in past or future)
We’ve barely improved quality of life since before Aristotle
Flexibility in beliefs is a major component of intelligence (Zoolander)
Everything always works out
The Leader and the victim
Social skills are most important to improve. Helps in all areas of life
The Model and The Method (systematic: consistent, reliable, predictable)
Pleasure and happiness depend on environment. Reward doesn’t.
You can create as much emotional reward as you want. No upper limit.
The more you love the more you can love more
Baby learning to walk
Crowding out
Today’s world is not more stressful than before. Proof against press.
Pain isn’t bad, nor are painful emotions
Media always has motivation is to provoke outrage, indignation (Consumer Reports exception). If ad-based.
The known laws of physics and math
Evolutionary psychology
Charisma gets you to any level of society, more effective than beauty
If you skip one day you can skip two. If you skip two it’s over. (choice is harder than just doing it)
Objections reveal unmet needs
Good thing bad thing who knows
Judgment repels people as much as anything / avoid judgment words
Exercise never hurts, usually helps
Any time you’re in one place you’re not in another / I don’t value traveling much over picking a great place to live
People are basically similar / Look for similarities
You think on the time scale of interruptions / Meditation
Empathy gaps
CEO was like heavy weights
If you’re eating food you like with friends, you won’t be unhappy
Problems with non-Method methods (resolutions, I want a new, law of attraction, positive thinking)
Sleep, food, exercise
Find what they like about what you want from them. Have them expand on it. Always refer to that emotion when you refer to that thing. Both get what each wants and they thank you for it.
Best things in my life began as most anxiety-producing
I support whatever consenting adults agree to.
If you cross tracks at too slight an angle you fall in / preconceived notions
Beliefs are easy to change
Systems theory
Competition Demystified (Sustainable competitive advantage) / strategy
Mental chatter voices your beliefs. Changing it changes your beliefs
Entrepreneurship myths and what works
Goals: be valued member of community and family, enjoy beauty of nature (especially healthy food), always improve and learn
Awareness of emotional processes and content is best way to improve life / mental chatter exercises, meditation
Alternate between improving and resting on laurels.
The art of what works (p.4: presence of mind, insight, resolution, combinations from history), someone has solved a problem like yours
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