Five years of daily posts! Not one missed.

January 28, 2016 by Joshua
in Creativity, Habits, NorthKorea, SIDCHAs

When my friend set up this blog page for me, I asked him how often he blogged. I expected him to say something like three days a week, weekdays, when big events happened, or something like that.

Instead he said “Every day,” then adding:

If you miss one day you can miss two. If you miss two, it’s all over.

I took the practice to heart.

Today finishes my fifth year of posting daily without fail. January 29, 2011 began my habit of posting here daily. I’ll hit 2,100 posts in a couple days. I posted twice a day around my North Korea trips since I considered that material too far from the leadership focus I want here.

Here is the archive of all my posts.

When I started writing, I thought I’d have enough ideas for a dozen or two posts. I soon found myself listing ideas faster than I could write them. Forcing myself to post forced me to think of ideas, learn to express them, discipline myself to write them, and so on.

My favorite parts have probably been getting over challenges, like when I get home, haven’t posted anything, and have to write something fast, or when I didn’t have internet access for several roughly-two-week stints, including those two trips to North Korea and a ten-day meditation retreat with no reading, writing, talking, or internet access. Those times I wrote posts before the trips and scheduled them to go up each day.

The habit of posting here evolved into my concept of Sidchas, which I’ve found one of the most important concepts for professional and personal development. Posting here was my first Sidcha, and one of my most valuable activities. Lately it’s helped with getting a column in Inc. It led to my first two books before that.

Mainly it helps create structure, discipline, creativity, and dedication in my life.

I’m divided whether I post for myself or others. I try to share what I expect others will find useful, but what drives me is how the habit improves my life. I’ll let you know how it develops.

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