Summary of North Korea Videos

March 13, 2013 by Joshua
in NorthKorea

Any trip to North Korea will be eye-opening and amazing, even before Dennis Rodman visited. I visited last April for the celebration of the anniversary of Kim Il Sung’s birth.

I believe visiting creates more understanding and communication than potential problems. As I’ve explained before here and in my book on North Korea, I consider such interactions among the best ways to increase communication and understanding with North Koreans, which I consider the best ways to bring about more peaceful relations. I believe all related governments have motivations to maintain adversarial relations, so I don’t have much faith in them to create peace.

As I say in one of the videos in this series, I believe regular people like you and I will have to lead our would-be political leaders in this issue.

I wrote up my amazing videos of discovery, communication, education, and regular people like you and me that grew up in North Korea. Here they are, starting with some of the most amazing ones.

Links to the videos

Background on North Korea

In case you’re reading this page for the first time, don’t forget to read my old posts on North Korea for background

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