My sledding hill in May

May 16, 2022 by Joshua
in Nature, Visualization

I rode my bike from New York to Philadelphia over the weekend (day 1, day 2) and visited my sledding hill this morning. Before the pictures below, you can click to compare Tommy’s Hill in March, less verdant. Here’s a video from last November:

My sledding hill in May

And below is my sledding hill in May. You’ll notice I couldn’t reach the creek at the bottom as it was marshy from Saturday’s rain. The amount of plants made it hard to see. Stunning, except for the litter. The litter is only the symptom. Buying disposable, packaged, online goods funds this polluting system. To clarify: whether your litter appears in any spot or not is not the issue. When you pay for anything that will end up in a landfill or ocean, you drive the system. Please don’t.

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