Search Results for: creativity

118: Beth Comstock 2: Action creates awareness (transcript)

on January 12, 2019 in Podcast

I’ve posted a few rather sort of monologues lately about how in a world where environmental issues are front page news on a weekly basis or more and everyone sees the pollution around them and that they create the goal of awareness often delays action. Action creates awareness much more than awareness creates action. In today’s world where everyone’s hit over the head with awareness on environmental issues claiming to[…] Keep reading →

B. Jeffrey Madoff

on January 8, 2019 in Podcast

Jeff Madoff is the founder of Madoff Productions, based in New York City. His company collaborates with ad agencies, public relations firms and directly with clients to produce commercials, corporate branding films, live streaming events, social media and web content. Jeff began his career as a fashion designer. He was chosen one of the top 10 designers in the U.S. then switched careers to film and video production. Madoff edited[…] Keep reading →

110: Geoffrey West, part 3: Using science to create a vision for the future (transcript)

on December 26, 2018 in Podcast

I think of Jeffrey’s research as particularly valuable since it comes from different directions and draws from many different sources than most environmental approaches do. He takes a different approach to technology and innovation. He’s not so big on technology. I mean he’s big on it but he recognizes its limitations and its potential for harm. Rarely do I hear of scientists saying that their research points to leadership. In[…] Keep reading →

107: Beth Comstock, part 1: Inside the Fortune 5 C-Suite (transcript)

on December 18, 2018 in Podcast

Beth Comstock is exactly the guest that this podcast is designed for. She is a leader who took on challenges of the largest scale and rose to the role of global leadership taking on challenges that others didn’t want to, yet huge demand for the results existed. Sound familiar with the environment? She started from very humble beginnings which she shares in the book to become CMO of GE to[…] Keep reading →

Beth Comstock

on December 17, 2018 in Podcast

Beth Comstock’s just-published Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change tells in riveting style the story of rising from humble beginnings to the C-suite of a Fortune 5 company, General Electric. The writing pulls you along. The often vulnerable content engages you, as do the names she works with: Jack, Jeff, Bill, Steve, and others whom you only need to know their first names. Any MBA or[…] Keep reading →

104: Jared Angaza, part 2: Motherhood and Apple Pie (transcript)

on November 29, 2018 in Podcast

My second conversation with Jared Angaza was recorded almost a year ago, just after launching the podcast. It’s more conversational, less directed than I’ve done more recently. I think I’ve come a long way on focusing more but I’d love to hear listeners’  ÑŽreactions. It’s also my old microphone. So the quality isn’t quite as good. Jared has acted a lot more than most to live by his environmental values.[…] Keep reading →

Would you rather?, part 4

on September 1, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making

Following up my first post on this topic, and while the options below don’t have to be exclusive, people usually choose as if they are. Do you prefer . . . Eating a lot Or feeling satisfied? Spending time in planes Or going on an adventure? Briefly visiting many Or spending time with some? Fitness Or explaining why you aren’t? Sampling food made for tourists Or learning to prepare what[…] Keep reading →

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