Search Results for: creativity

080: Nataly Kogan, Part 1, Influencing others to live happier (transcript)

on August 31, 2018 in Podcast

When people recommend guests for my podcast they tend to recommend people who are environmental, people doing environmental things, people doing recycling, stuff like that. I’m happy to get people like that but my goal number one is leaders. I want to bring leaders because people who influence others influence others and we can learn from them. That’s what Nataly Kogan is. She’s someone who influences herself and influences others.[…] Keep reading →

079: Andrew Revkin, Part 1; Global Warming, pollution, and hope for our future (transcript)

on August 28, 2018 in Podcast

It was a great honor to have the writer behind the New York Times blog Dot Earth which ran for something like 10 years up until recently. Andrew Revkin got that started. You know whether you agree with the New York Times politics or not, I hope that I don’t have just a bunch of people who agree with me listening to this podcast. I really want to get diversity[…] Keep reading →

Environmental leadership resources

on August 3, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

Here are resources I learn from and return to about joy, discovery, meaning, purpose, community (not doom, gloom, new-age fluff, etc), in no particular order. I’ll keep adding to it. I recommend bingeing on all of it. Leadership and Teamwork The This Sustainable Life podcast When people hear my podcast name, they focus on the environment part. I consider leadership incomparably more important. We know what to do. The question[…] Keep reading →

The Big Talk with Tricia Brouk

on July 18, 2018 in Audio, Education, Leadership

Tricia Brouk is an incredible director, TEDx Executive Producer, actress, choreographer, and more. She’s worked with names like Richard Gere, James Gandolfini, Kate Winslet, Susan Sarandon, John Torturo, Eddie Izzard, Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi, and Bobby Canavale. Wow! As host of the Big Talk podcast, she posted our conversation, “Put Yourself in the Background.” From the liner notes: Put Yourself in the Background – Joshua Spodek Summary What is the[…] Keep reading →

050: Disconnecting means reconnecting; Vincent Stanley, part 2 (transcript)

on June 12, 2018 in Podcast

I assume if you’re listening to the Leadership and the Environment podcast that you care about your effect on the environment and on other people through it. Do you still put off acting on these cares because you see them as a distraction, as keeping you from getting ahead in other leadership areas? How would you like to have more time? Because listening to Vincent Stanley you’ll hear that acting[…] Keep reading →

049: David Allen, conversation 1: Creating work of enduring value (transcript)

on May 29, 2018 in Podcast

This conversation with David Allen is a wonderful sharing of a creative process that produced Getting Things Done for him, one of the great works, at least for me in my life, it’s been a tremendous value. You’ll hear the behind the scenes of what it took to make it happen. Not so simple. People who want to write books these days, you’ll get a lot of advice a lot[…] Keep reading →

David Burkus

on May 3, 2018 in Podcast

David Burkus is a best-selling author, a sought after speaker, and business school professor. In 2017, he was named as one of the world’s top business thought leaders by Thinkers50 His forthcoming book, Friend of a Friend, offers readers a new perspective on how to grow their networks and build key connections—one based on the science of human behavior, not rote networking advice. He is also the author of Under[…] Keep reading →

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