Search Results for: marathon

097: Sir Tim Smit: Changing the World with No Special Skills

on October 23, 2018 in Podcast

Tim Smit is the co-founder and Vice Chairman of the Eden Project in Cornwall, in the southwest of England. He turned a lifeless, poisoned abandoned mine into a bountiful green world-class garden people love to visit. Eden has attracted millions of visitors and billions of pounds. Tim is a consummate doer—not complainer or blamer—and an environmental campaign and entrepreneur, Tim tells how he met challenges he couldn’t have foreseen. I[…] Keep reading →

097: Sir Tim Smit: Changing the World with No Special Skills

on October 23, 2018 in Podcast

Tim Smit is the co-founder and Vice Chairman of the Eden Project in Cornwall, in the southwest of England. He turned a lifeless, poisoned abandoned mine into a bountiful green world-class garden people love to visit. Eden has attracted millions of visitors and billions of pounds. Tim is a consummate doer—not complainer or blamer—and an environmental campaign and entrepreneur, Tim tells how he met challenges he couldn’t have foreseen. I[…] Keep reading →

The Ethicist: What Should I Do About My Cheating Classmate?

on October 14, 2018 in Ethicist

My series answering the New York Times’ Ethicist column with an active, leadership approach instead of an analytical, philosophical perspective continues with “What Should I Do About My Cheating Classmate?”. I am a senior at a competitive high school. My best friend is known for being a top student and the president of the student body. Over the last year, I caught him cheating on tests and plagiarizing work several[…] Keep reading →

093: Want to win elections? Clean your neighborhood. Be a steward. (transcript)

on October 8, 2018 in Podcast

I care about the environment and I act on it. I’m going to talk to you today about how do we elect people including the United States president who act on and steward the environment. I’m going to present a plan that I believe can win the next election that transcends the usual divisions that led to today’s political situation, political misery, feelings of futility and the filth that we[…] Keep reading →

085: Daniel Bauer, part 2, Going car-free is liberating (transcript)

on September 11, 2018 in Podcast

Danny got rid of a car and he chose to do that while he was in Texas. Yes, he moved to Europe to Antwerp which is a bike friendly city but you know it’s a big deal. It was a car that he loved and it was while starting a marriage. That’s not exactly the time people start experimenting with new things in life and yet he described it as[…] Keep reading →

Cardiovascular exercise isn’t cardiovascular exercise

on September 3, 2018 in Fitness

Cardiovascular means of or related to the heart and blood vessels. We call “cardiovascular” exercises like jogging, swimming, rowing, elliptical, and others that don’t stress any one muscle or group too much so we can do it long enough to burn a lot of calories. People associate so-called cardiovascular exercise with losing weight. I’ll grant that those exercises can burn through a lot of calories. I’ve come to doubt their[…] Keep reading →

40 beats per minute resting heart rate

on August 4, 2018 in Fitness

In June I measured my heart rate at 45 beats per minute with an app, which said I was off the charts for a 46-year-old male. Since then I’d measured a few times and repeated the results. I also turned 47. I measured when I wasn’t moving around but Harvard Medical School wrote, “The American Heart Association recommends checking your resting heart rate first thing in the morning (but before[…] Keep reading →

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