Search Results for: don't look for blame

North Korea themes, part I

on October 17, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Only having written a few posts, I’ve already hit some of the major themes that visiting North Korea raised in me. I’ll touch on them here to clarify them since I expect they’ll continue to show up in future posts. Seeing others reveals things about yourself and your culture — and the more different they are, the deeper they reveal about you and your world. We take many parts of[…] Keep reading →

When to judge

on August 15, 2011 in Awareness, Nonjudgment

After three posts on avoiding expressing judgment, I should clarify I don’t suggest never expressing judgment. Here are a few cases where I express judgment. Judging myself: using my criteria to evaluate myself doesn’t deprecate others’ values, for example, writing “I should clarify” above. I do take care to notice my values change, particularly when evaluating myself in the past (see my series Goodbye guilt and blame for more on[…] Keep reading →

Productive alternatives to the genius myth

on March 6, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Tips

[This post is part of a series on creativity. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Yesterday I wrote some points of how the concept of genius is counterproductive and inaccurate. So what are the alternatives? My alternative to calling them geniuses is calling them accomplished, dedicated, in-the-right-place-at-the-right-time (which, if[…] Keep reading →

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