The one person you can never see from another person’s perspective is yourself

August 12, 2012 by Joshua
in Awareness, Blog, Leadership

The one person you can never see from another person’s perspective is yourself. Ironic because that’s the one person you’d most like to see from another person’s perspective. Everyone else sees you that way, so it would be nice to see how other people see us.

You always hear stories about people who think they’re great leaders, but unknown to them, they always scowl or their voices don’t sound like they think they do or people undermine them behind their backs.

As a coach, offering an external perspective — a mirror — is one of the more valuable services I can offer, even if I give no active advice but merely passive feedback.

As a regular person, like anyone else I wish I could see myself through other people’s eyes. The best I can do is ask for others to share their perspectives. And to remember that I can’t see myself from anyone’s perspective but my own.

I presume everyone has realized the point in today’s title before. No big advice or insight today, just that simple, basic point.

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