Read my story in TIME Magazine: “I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year”

November 4, 2022 by Joshua
in Leadership, Nature, Stories

TIME magazine is an icon of American journalism. In a few months, it turns one hundred years old. I grew up reading it. Its covers help define our culture.

Today it printed its first story from me: I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year. Click to read the story. Here’s a screen shot of the top of the story:

Click to read the rest: I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year

It begins:

Sunday, May 22 was the last day my apartment was connected to Manhattan’s energy grid. That morning I used my pressure cooker—powered by portable solar panels I had bought on Craigslist and carried to my roof to charge—to cook a pot of stew. Then I decided to take it one step further: to use no grid power for a month. I unplugged everything: my laptop, phone, toaster, microwave, floor lamps. Then, to make sure, I disconnected the main circuit breaker, physically cutting my apartment off from the grid.

Frankly, I didn’t think I could make it three days. Sure, people go off-grid in the woods, but I’m an executive coach and adjunct professor of leadership at New York University and am used to a certain standard of living that relies on my computer to teach students and work with other clients.

Read the rest and share: I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year. Then do your versions of the experiments I described in it.

Here’s a screen shot of linking to it:

EDIT: The next day, TIME placed the piece more prominently, at the top of the climate section:

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