Imagine well-known people responding how we do to the environment
Heroes and role models
Acting on one’s environmental values is a leadership issue we are shirking. However challenging, stewardship, responsibility, and action improve our lives, families, and communities.
We are missing out on richer, more fulfilling lives.
Want evidence?
I made images of heroes and role models of mine responding as most people today do to acting on their environmental values.
Not heroes
I also made images of people who chose to do what hurt others.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
Pingback: My favorite posts » Joshua Spodek
Pingback: Rants, raves, and monologues, volume 12 » Joshua Spodek
Pingback: Refinement of one of my core message: Systemic Change Begins With Personal Change » Joshua Spodek
Pingback: Gandhi’s Salt March wasn’t about salt or marching, nor is my work about solar or living off-grid. » Joshua Spodek