Another way to reduce stress more

February 11, 2011 by Joshua
in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Tips

After yesterday’s post, I thought of another little rule I made that makes something some people consider difficult into a game. I’m almost embarrassed to share it because of how geeky it is, but it makes something otherwise challenging into fun, or at least a way to make myself a better me.

First, you should know, I love eating food that tastes good and chips are included. I can eat a big bag in one sitting, no problem. But I like to keep myself in good shape and chips have a lot of empty calories. So here’s the rule:

I have to take at least three sessions to eat the full bag of chips, counting no more than one session per day. One exception: if someone else eats any, I can eat the bag in two sessions.

Normally I eat about half a bag the first time I get the chips, another third the next day, and the rest (one-sixth, if you were counting) the third day. Sometimes I eat the whole bag less five or six chips in one day — then almost nothing the next two days. Sometimes when friends are over I’ll offer them chips so I can eat more that day.

That’s the heart of it. In my mind, instead of trying to avoid eating chips, I’m playing a game with myself to build discipline. Or I’m being more generous than I would be with my friends. Mentally it’s easier and I feel better about myself. I’m sure others would think I’m geeky beyond belief, but so what, I’m doing what I want.

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