SIDCHAs, self awareness, and “Doing,” are the path to entrepreneurship: The Tribe of Entrepreneurs podcast

July 7, 2017 by Joshua
in Audio, Entrepreneurship

hosts the Tribe of Entrepreneurs podcast. Soren asked thoughtful questions and got me to share about things I don’t always. I enjoyed the interview a lot.

Listen to the podcast!

Listen to the podcast!

He is also thorough about posting resources we talked about. The show notes:

Joshua helps put an end to shiny object syndrome and becoming who you want to be, but it requires that you start “doing” as you say you will.

SIDCHA: The Self-Imposed Daily Challenging Healthy Activity

Leadership and Entrepreneurship Requires Getting in the Trenches and Doing, Not Just Learning. – Joshua Spodek

co-founded several companies, coaches leadership for Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence, and is a professor at NYU.

Joshua is also a bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, a columnist for Inc., and founder of, where he shares information from his own experience and his perspective as a scientist, to teach others how to create success professionally and personally.

He holds five Ivy League degrees, including a Ph.D. in Astrophysics and an MBA, and studied under a Nobel Prize winner.

He helped build an X-ray observational satellite for NASA, co-founded and led as CEO or COO several ventures, and holds six patents.

He has visited North Korea twice, swam across the Hudson River, and has done burpees every day for six years, 100,000+ and counting.

Some questions I ask:

  • How do you introduce yourself at a reception?
  • How have you managed to avoid the cubicle life?
  • In how many ways do you generate an income today?
  • How has it changed you, working with a Nobel Prize Winner?
  • Lot’s of our listeners are struggling with finding the “right” idea, was is it clear in your mind that you wanted to start an academy?
  • What are some of the set backs that you can expect when starting the academy?
  • How has the journey changed who you used to be and how you are today?
  • What are the hard realizations we need before we consider entrepreneurship?
  • What is the ONE Thing that we should do TODAY, that will make the biggest shift to our life and start our entrepreneurial journey?

What you will learn:

  • How Joshua consistently pursue what he loves and enjoy doing and done since college.
  • What’s the best thing I can do right now? Keep doing it until you have exhausted it or feel that it’s time to pursue something else. – Joshua Spodek
  • If we taught piano today, like we teach leadership and entrepreneurship, we would be teaching the piano students music theory.
  • We don’t want to learn about entrepreneurship, we want to know how to do it, practice the skills and feel the struggle.

If you don’t know what you really love. Then do pick one of those you think it is and go for it. – Joshua Spodek

Ask your self, “What’s the best thing I can do right now?”. Keep doing it until you have exhausted it or feel that it’s time to pursue something else. – Joshua Spodek

Joshua Spodek’s book: – Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow (Agency/Distributed)


Check out Spodek Academy – Entrepreneurship Step by Step


This video shows LeBron James practicing for one hour. No magic. No excitement. No latest anything. No entertaining story. He obviously does it a lot.

Just a small piece of what it takes to become the best.

Listen to the podcast!

From Tribe of Entrepreneur’s About page:

Who is the “Tribe of Entrepreneurs”

Hello and welcome, Tribe Of Entrepreneurs.

Here you are part of like minded people, who share their desire and deep belief that there IS more to life and that we can create our own life and legacy as we wish.

When I get the opportunity to help, I really get excited. I enjoy the excitement of bringing clarity, actionable ideas and network to friends and connections who are in need.

My name is Soren Skovdahl Hansen, host of Tribe of Entrepreneurs, where I interview amazing and inspiring entrepreneurs, how they over came their fears and self doubts about starting and how they grew their business, and achieved a life of fulfilment, 3 days a week.

Are you struggling with how to launch your entrepreneurial dream? Is self doubt and imposter syndrome holding you back from starting your entrepreneurial journey because you are afraid what you have to offer is not good enough?

You will get actionable inspiration from our amazing entrepreneurs who will share how they successfully over came their self doubt, took massive action and launched their business. You will learn how they found the the value and service that now bring them income, how their connect with their audience and grew their business.

I challenge you to use the inspiration from the guest’s to discover the idea that ignites you, learn how to create income from your idea, how to get started.

My Story

Hi I’m Soren Skovdahl Hansen, born in Denmark and father of two fantastic daughters, who are responsible for the majority of my joy and happiness.

Before becoming a father in 2005, I had worked in sales and marketing where I helped grow a wastewater recycling business, when investing in the environment was still considered an unnecessary cost. I liked the entrepreneurial atmosphere where I at a young age handled all sales and marketing.

Almost as if I was on autopilot, I felt the right thing to do was get a Masters degree, with that I would be able to decide my own life … I thought. After five awesome years spend in Boston Massachusetts, L.A. and College Station Texas, connecting with a ton of new international friends and cultures, I took the classic route to management consulting.

The first few years were full of intense learning and fantastic new colleagues and projects, but after a while the 70 hours a week, constant travelling, started to wear me down. I was starting to look forward to the weekends. Alarm clocks ringing …

My thoughts had started to evolve around starting for my self, but at that time my limiting beliefs was that it had to be something unique and so when ever an idea came up and I realised it had been done before, I got discuraged and went on to find another one. This played out for 5-6 years. In reality it was doubt of my own abilities and I didn’t realize at the time that if my idea already existed, it was more a validation of my idea than a disqualification.

First time entrepreneur

In 2010 I talked with a friend who had just sold her shares in a company and in one week we had 2 ideas we took massive action on, one of them, setup meetings with the partner and a month later we had a contract to launch a online marketplace. Boom, it was that fast and we were excited. We didn’t have much experience in online marketing and we needed to keep our full time jobs. I decided to switch career into an online marketing agency to beef up my skills fast.

Second time entrepreneur

We since then created another business, selling beauty products as a subscription service, which we had to close down, soon after.

The online agency I worked for was struggling which caused me to move on to another agency. Unfortunately the new agency also showed to have financial problems. This was an extreme pressure on my already tight schedule, between feeling very uncertain about my job situation, mortgage payments, running a business on the side and being a new father, I was about to burn out. I experienced loss of short term memory, no proper sleep, jumpy …. stress.

How can I help?

I’ve been a tutor and study group leader during my years at university, helping friends, entrepreneurs and professionals solving their business challenges for more than a decade. As a small kid I wanted to be a surgeon, so I could help sick people.

The thing that gives me most pleasure, above anything else, is the relief, the light in the eyes and smiles, when a solution to their business challenge presents it self. It’s an absolutely joy, and it gives such a rush to give and be of value to others.

With Tribe Of Entrepreneurs i wish to help you get the inspiration and insight to how other entrepreneurs have done to overcome their challenges in starting their business, the details of how they finally managed to start and grow their business and the many different ways they generate income.

In this podcast I will help give detailed answers to how you can finally get your own business off the ground, over come your fear and doubts of whether what you have to offer is good enough, because it is good enough.

There is no right time to start, there is only now!

Take inspiration in the examples of successful entrepreneurs, apply and test it on your own business and achieve the life of independence and fulfilment you want.

As always, if I can help, then please reach out to me immediately. Don’t wait, take action.

Listen to the podcast!

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