Srikumar Rao’s talk follow-up: deep discounts on January’s class
To follow up the talk I organized for Srikumar Rao, Srikumar’s business manager offered deep discounts (almost half price) for members of the Columbia Business School alumni club (anyone can join, whether they went there or not) to take the New York session of his course, Creativity and Personal Mastery (CPM).
Having taken it about four years ago, I recommend the course without reservation.
Click here for a pdf with more information on dates, logistics, costs, and an overview.
Quoting from the brochure:
Dates are as follows for the New York Spring 2012 CPM Class
- Session #1: January 27th, 28th and 29th, 2012
- Session #2: March 2nd 3rd and 4th, 2012
- Session #3: March 30th, 31st and April 1st, 2012
- Reserve Dates: April 13th, 14th and 15th (in the event we need to reschedule a prior session)
Quoting from the CPM Institute
If you are still on the fence and have thoughts along the lines of “Gee I would really like to do it but…
- “It’s too expensiveâ€!
- “I don’t have the time right now, maybe after I finish this big projectâ€
- “I’ll wait till it comes closer to my townâ€
- “Life’s too hectic- maybe next yearâ€.
Then, I have some thoughts and good news to share with you.
Seriously, just take the plunge. There will ALWAYS be stuff happening in your life. There will be many seemingly good reasons to put it off. And you will be doing yourself a huge disservice if you procrastinate
I’ve been working with Professor Rao for over two years now. I took CPM myself and it really did change my life completely. I have met dozens of CPM alums who say the same thing. And now spouses, significant others, siblings and close friends are taking it because they saw what happened and want to be a part of it as well. In this year alone we have had four spouses, two siblings and multiple relatives/friends take CPM.
If you are hesitating because of the cost, then don’t! This is not a “one time†deal. This is for the rest of your life. Once you become a CPM alum, you can take it again at no charge. You can participate in the many “CPM Alums only†events – this year there have been such gatherings in New York, London, San Francisco, Hong Kong and Mumbai.
We are planning a series of webinars for CPM alums as well as a new bulletin board and a stream of new exercises. You too can be a part of this if you take CPM and join the CPM alumni community.
I really don’t want to make a sales pitch and I hope you don’t think of this as one. I just want to see you do what is right for you and to help make the community grow and flourish.
So do yourself a favor. Read the CPM syllabus. If you find that it calls to you on a deep level, then rearrange your life and do what you have to in order to take it. Also, here is a 10 minutes video of Prof. Rao explaining CPM in his own words. In case you never received them, here are the details for the CPM New York class.
If CPM still does not resonate with you, then it is not right for you and move on.
In any event, I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a wonderful 2012.
With much affection,
Al Moscardelli
Director of Unlimited Possibilities
The Creativity and Personal Mastery Institute
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