Review and conclusions from the Passion-Attraction Model

on August 10, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

What can we learn from the Passion-Attraction Model? While the model can apply to everyone, we each have different values and circumstances, so we each have to choose for ourselves how to live our lives and act in relationships. Understanding the Passion-Attraction Model and its consequences can help you understand yourself and your partners, on your own and in relationships if you feel it describes you well. (If you don’t,[…] Keep reading →

Relationship risks in the Passion-Attraction Model, part 2

on August 9, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Yesterday’s post considered a single alternative to a committed partner. If you plan to commit to someone for ten, twenty, thirty, or more years, you can expect you and your partner will meet people who, in the moment, attract you and excite passion more than each other. Review and discussion about One Alternative Recall, the Passion-Attraction Model doesn’t tell you how to behave, though if you feel it represents your[…] Keep reading →

Relationship risks in the Passion-Attraction Model, part 1

on August 8, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Yesterday’s post ended by describing a typical goal — what you hope to get if you want to commit to a relationship, at least concerning passion and attraction: an enduring relationship with lots of passion and attraction, smooth edges, and never fading away. When you and a partner both reach that goal, many people choose to commit to each other. In my experience, choosing to commit doesn’t mean living happily[…] Keep reading →

The Passion-Attraction Model as you gain experience

on August 7, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Yesterday covered how the Passion-Attraction Model described passion and attraction in a relationship. Today we’ll look at how you might grow as a person and parter. We’ll end today with a typical goal you might work toward (before moving on to challenges and risks tomorrow). Despite the nice clean curves in the graphs, you don’t know what curve you’re on. If you feel like you’re at the peak of a[…] Keep reading →

The basic Passion-Attraction Model in one relationship

on August 6, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

Yesterday covered the basic Passion-Attraction Model and some caveats. Today let’s look at how the P-AM models passion and attraction in a single relationship. (Tomorrow we’ll look at it multiple relationships). I find that the better I can visualize many ideas, the more clearly I can think about them, so this model’s illustrations help me understand my feelings in a relationship. Then I can plan and act to improve myself[…] Keep reading →

Introducing a new model: Passion and Attraction

on August 5, 2013 in Awareness, Blog

I’m starting a new series today on a new model, this time on passion and attraction. Everyone I showed it to told me it gave them useful insights, so I expect you’ll find value in it too. I’ll apply the model mainly to intimate relationships, but you can also apply it to anything that evokes passion, attraction, or both, like hobbies, jobs, sports, and so on. So what does a[…] Keep reading →

Do you decide rationally or emotionally?

on August 4, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Nature

One of this blog’s central focuses is self-awareness because I think to improve your life and relationships the best starting point is to know where you are. Know thyself, in other words. Today I want to give you a way to learn deeply about how your mind works. I didn’t come up with the idea, but it intrigues me and I’d love to learn other people’s thoughts. I think people[…] Keep reading →

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