Choosing what you like is not denying what you don’t

on February 17, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Freedom, Tips

Do you feel if you don’t deal with difficult things you’re denying or avoiding reality? Does that bring you down or make you feel irresponsible? Does that compel you to do things you don’t want to? Here’s how to make sure you don’t. After a conversation last night, my friend said she looked at enjoying life in a whole new way for the better. Let’s start with an analogy. On[…] Keep reading →

E-book overload

on February 13, 2011 in Awareness, Blog

Typical e-book readers today have a few gigabytes of memory, enabling holding thousands of books. Where did the choice for this amount of memory come from? Am I missing something? What is the value of holding that many books? Even if you were trapped on a desert island you would die before finishing reading them, leaving aside the issue of recharging the battery. On the face of it you could[…] Keep reading →

Another way to reduce stress more

on February 11, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Tips

After yesterday’s post, I thought of another little rule I made that makes something some people consider difficult into a game. I’m almost embarrassed to share it because of how geeky it is, but it makes something otherwise challenging into fun, or at least a way to make myself a better me. First, you should know, I love eating food that tastes good and chips are included. I can eat[…] Keep reading →

One way to decrease stress

on February 10, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Tips

Here is a simple way to reduce one type of stress. I used to get annoyed when people would show up late to meet me. I imagined them disrespecting me and such. One day I made a rule for myself: Everybody gets fifteen minutes. That’s it. If someone shows up anywhere less than fifteen minutes late, it’s fine. I don’t ask questions, I don’t ask where they were, I don’t[…] Keep reading →

What is a belief worth?

on February 9, 2011 in Awareness, Blog

Continuing this post that our access to reality is limited by our senses and our minds can’t comprehend it all, what then do we have in our minds? We form beliefs or mental models. What is a model? A model is a simplified representation of reality for a purpose. That previous post dealt with the ramifications of models being simplified — that they are all flawed. If they are all[…] Keep reading →

What do you never regret?

on February 8, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Freedom, Tips

One measure of something worth doing is if you would ever regret it. I’m making a list of things that no one would ever on their deathbed look back and say “I did X too much.” I doubt anyone looked back at their life and said, “I danced too much,” “I sang too much,” or “I played with my nieces and nephews too much.” Can you add to the list?[…] Keep reading →

Responsibility versus blame

on February 5, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

The following statement has become a personal guideline since I first came up with it. It’s served me well. Don’t look for blame but take responsibility for making things better to the extent you can. You can always find someone to blame if you want. Blame is fundamentally about the past, which you can’t change, and judgmental, which repels people. But the main issue is that when you blame someone[…] Keep reading →

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