Natural beauty in North Korea, part 2: beaches

on July 24, 2012 in Nature, NorthKorea

Who would expect beautiful beaches in North Korea? Visiting that far north in April, we didn’t find warm sunny beaches, but the Earth is beautiful and it’s hard to hide that. Some of the beachfront hotels looks nice, almost Mediterranean, from afar. Up close you saw the hotels couldn’t have been seriously maintained in decades. One hotel had zero hot water. We had to heat water by dropping a heating[…] Keep reading →

Natural beauty in North Korea, part 1: mountains

on July 22, 2012 in Nature, NorthKorea

I doubt many people would expect to see much natural beauty in North Korea. I was surprised to see a lot once we got out of Pyongyang. You could only call most of the land stark. Little of it was arable. I don’t claim to be an experienced photographer — see Joseph’s blog for that quality of picture — but I saw some great stuff. My pictures don’t do the[…] Keep reading →

My fitness habits, part 4: Nothing special about what I did

on July 20, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom

Since so many people don’t like their physical condition, don’t find reward or joy in exercising, and regard these aspects of their life as punishments, I imagine many of them want to change their beliefs and behaviors, perhaps using my example as inspiration. Many people may not care too, I guess. I’ve written a lot on the topics — enough that it might seem overwhelming. Can anyone do what I[…] Keep reading →

My fitness habits, part 3: Exercise

on July 19, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Freedom

As I’ve written before, exercise for me is about the emotions it creates. I start exercises for joy, fun, friendship, etc. For many people exercise seems punishing. If I didn’t realize I, like anyone, could make exercise create whatever emotions I wanted and I felt stuck with punishment, I wouldn’t do it. Luckily I learned to find the joy, fun, etc in exercise — as anyone can — and built[…] Keep reading →

My fitness beliefs and habits, part 2: Food and Eating

on July 18, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom

What I eat I don’t feel like I pay attention to what I eat that much, although I’ve habitualized a lot so I probably eat healthily without thinking about it. I don’t pay attention to proteins versus carbohydrates. I definitely don’t count calories. I think paying attention to those things means you’re eating the wrong things. I mean, I’m kind of aware of those things, but the more I eat[…] Keep reading →

My fitness beliefs and habits, part 1: Principles

on July 17, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom

A reader asked I like what you said about the body being a reflection of how we live our life. I also agree about the genetics; its too much of a cop out to say that you can’t help being obese. I do have a question though. Your photos show that you are in shape but you have previously posted that your workout regimen consists of only a minute of[…] Keep reading →

My satellite in the news!

on July 10, 2012 in Blog, Nature

With all the news of the Higgs boson, you may have missed a big discovery in dark matter, a major remaining mystery of physics and astronomy. Most of the matter we can detect in the universe we can’t see directly. We can only see how it affects other things through gravity. Very mysterious! We have almost no way to constrain its properties besides gravity or experiment with it. Yet it[…] Keep reading →

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