Two posts by others I recommend
Two great posts by others force me to break my pattern of sticking to original work.
The first is that if you know me you know I love Calvin and Hobbes. The first new work by Bill Watterson in a long time appears here — “Ever Wished That Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson Would Return to the Comics Page? Well, He Just Did.”
The second is one of the best pieces on meditation I’ve read — “My journey with meditation. And, why you should do it too.” It’s simple, just talks about the practice without needlessly referring to the supernatural or religion, and connected it to life.
The ‘should’ in the title got me to read it so I could find flaws in it, since a person telling others what they should or shouldn’t implies to me they don’t know what they’re talking about or are trying to impose their views or values on others. I found the article didn’t do that. While I thought of small refinements I might have made, overall I wish I could have written something like it myself. When I try to put someone in their place and end up feeling humble and impressed, I’m happy to refer people to them.
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