Under one dollar: My record low monthly electrical use: 10 kWh ($0.96 + fixed costs)
This month set a record low electrical use at only 10 kWh, or less than one dollar on supply charges. I don’t remember what I did this month to keep it so low, or rather what I didn’t do. Note I still use hot water for my showers, which my building heats with natural gas, though my showers are only a couple minutes.

The two reasons I’m sharing
I’m sharing my results for two main reasons.
My first reason to share is the reason recovering addicts share how long they’ve been clean. We hope to find support from people who have been clean longer to help us on our journey. I’m polluting and intend to pollute less.
The second reason is the role models who helped me reach my potential, especially Bea Johnson, whose family of four produce less garbage than I do alone. She was also a podcast guest. Without her, I’d believe all the people who say it’s impossible to avoid producing garbage when you have kids. It’s impossible if you don’t try. She inspired me to keep trying and reach my potential.
One decrease not due to me: This bill includes 29 days. The past two months included 30 and 31 days, so roughly 5 percent of the decrease comes from fewer days, but 10 kWh differs from 15 or 18 kWh by 33 to 44 percent.
One reason it would increase: April 5th and 6th, I hosted friends for dinner, as well as another friend earlier in the month, and I believe the pressure cooker consumes the most power, so there are an extra six meals, which would increase my power consumption and pollution.
I haven’t turned on my heat, air conditioning, or fridge. I used the toaster once or twice.
I conclude what must have done it: I used the battery charged by the solar panels once or twice.
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