Upcoming events!
Three awesome events coming up.
- Sunday 7pm I’m speaking on North Korea at the wonderful FRED talks 5 Crosby Street, #5H in Soho.
- Saturday, December 10, 8-10pm, see my art at District 36. Stay if you like to hear Sharam, of the Grammy-winning Duo Deep Dish. The pieces will be ones that I showed at my show at Crossing Art Gallery in June and July, so if you missed that show, now’s your chance to see these amazing pieces.
- Tuesday, December 13, 6:30-9pm, see Srikumar Rao on leadership and happiness at work, “Achieve a Quantum Improvement in Managerial and Leadership Ability”. He is my former Professor at Columbia Business School. The event description begins “Dr. Rao became famous for his ground breaking course in personal transformation – Creativity and Personal Mastery. Join us for an exclusive introduction to how you can transform organizations through inspiring leadership.” Click here for more information and to sign up.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees