New York Times front page normalizes what makes people fat

January 19, 2017 by Joshua
in Fitness, Nature

The New York Times wrote Saturday on the front page:

Food stamps are supposed to help improve nutrition for the poor, but a study shows that, just like everyone else, food stamp users buy soda and junk food.

Just like everyone else?!?


NYTimes normalizing obesity

“Everyone else” does not buy soda and junk food.

I have never bought soda at this home and I’ve lived here for over 17 years. I haven’t bought junk food for years. I just talked to a friend and she said she doesn’t buy soda either.

To claim that everyone buys soda and junk food normalizes an unhealthy behavior that many people don’t consider normal at all. As long as entitlement programs pay for that junk, it supports all tax payers supporting an industry I don’t want to support, as well as sending people to need health care early, which costs us all too. Some of us love fresh fruits and vegetables and find soda and junk disgusting, not a treat, indulgence, or something that takes effort to enjoy.

I appreciate the article pointing out the travesty that we are all as taxpayers supporting the industry, which I believe we should stop. I don’t appreciate it treating soda as something we all buy, let alone indulge in.

Everyone does not buy soda and junk food. I also just got back from shopping at the Union Square farmers market, where I bought beets, apples, parsnips, carrots, and kohlrabi, all from nearby farms. I love this stuff.

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