New Vitals: 99/63 / 47 bpm / 20.2 BMI

October 3, 2023 by Joshua
in Fitness, Freedom, Habits

A third trip to the doctor this year feels like a lot, but I went again for routine, preventative stuff and they took my vitals again. I don’t have a good picture like last time, so I can only show a screen shot of the email, but here they are from last week:

Blood pressure 99/63 looks normal. Back to a pulse of 47 beats per minute, and that was after I already did my Turkish Get-ups, kettle bell swings, and farmers walk that morning before visiting the doctor. My BMI was 20.2, though not in the email.

Now that I’ve posted a few times this year, I’ll probably hold off for a while.

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1 response to “New Vitals: 99/63 / 47 bpm / 20.2 BMI

  1. Pingback: Why my evening calisthenics were harder than usual today: an extra 36 flights of stairs » Joshua Spodek

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