Category Archives: Addiction

Fixing Peter Singer’s drowning child analogy for sustainability

on February 7, 2023 in Addiction, Models, Nature

Peter Singer is one of the best known philosophers. He’s won many awards. As a vegetarian since 1990 and vegan about a decade (I didn’t note the date I stopped eating cheese, the last animal product I still ate for a long time; also I ate less animal product than anyone I met who called themselves vegan for much of the time I was still vegetarian), I’ve known about his[…] Keep reading →

What you’ll get more of when you stop polluting: what you love most

on February 2, 2023 in Addiction, Nature

You tell me what you fear you’ll lose without pollution and I’ll tell you what you’ll gain more of. If you think you’ll connect les with family, you’ll actually connect more. If you think the poor will be hurt the most, they’ll benefit the most. If you’re worried about losing your job, you’ll find greater job security. If you think your health or the economy will suffer, they’ll improve. What[…] Keep reading →

The opposite of flying is not less family or business opportunity. It’s more of each and nature too.

on January 26, 2023 in Addiction, Nature

People think if they can’t fly, they won’t be able to see their family. They think, “if I’m here and my parents or children are flying distance away, if I don’t fly, I won’t be able to see them.” They also think, “if my business can’t compete there, I’ll lose revenue and go bankrupt.” Then they conclude, “I may not want to pollute, but family is more important and I’m[…] Keep reading →

Imagine a drug where you get the pleasure and others suffer the harmful side effects: that’s polluting activities.

on January 3, 2023 in Addiction, Choosing/Decision-Making

The title says it all, but let’s look in more detail. Take heroin and you get euphoria, but you also suffer the addiction and ruination of your life. You cause others to suffer too, but not directly from the drug. They suffer from your degradation, running out of money, isolation, and so on. In principle, you could use heroin and not cause others to suffer. Gamble and you occasionally win,[…] Keep reading →

More Polluting Less: Another Zero Kilowatt-hour Bill

on December 9, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

I’d say I was getting bored of posting about zero kilowatt-hour electric bill except that pollution kills and we can all pollute less. I’m not polluting less for fun, though it improves my life, but to help people like you see it’s possible so you can try. Are you trying? If so, email me and tell me. I’d love to support you or just hear about it. For others, if[…] Keep reading →

When a heavy polluter says “we need to bring energy to the world’s poorest,” watch your wallet

on November 24, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

Let’s get one thing out of the way. Everyone claims to want to help poor people, poor countries, the sick, children, old people, and other vulnerable populations. Everyone claims to want to help everyone live longer, healthier lives. Nobody claims to want to hurt the vulnerable. After you hear enough heavy polluters say it, you recognize it as empty rhetoric to make themselves feel better and disarm opponents. The question[…] Keep reading →

Our culture of addiction: someone injecting on Waverly, just off Sixth Avenue

on November 10, 2022 in Addiction

On my volunteering run, I saw this person shooting up on Waverly, just off Sixth Avenue. Don’t look if you’re squeamish, because the needle is in the person’s arm. Normally I don’t take pictures of someone in the act if they or their comrades would see me, but this person was alone with nothing identifying to indict or take away their dignity beyond what our addictive culture has already stomped[…] Keep reading →

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