Category Archives: Blog

122: Rosa Parks and Acting on Your Environmental Values

on January 21, 2019 in Blog

Lately, I’ve thought of people who say they can’t avoid plastic bags, bottles, flying. I suggest just declining, but they say they can’t. Saying no reminds me of Rosa Parks. She said no. She didn’t just act on her own as the campaign was planned and strategized, but she did it. She was arrested, which no one will be for declining a water bottle. Why do we honor someone if[…] Keep reading →

See me: A Fireside Chat Over Brunch with brunchwork, January 27

on January 18, 2019 in Blog

Join me at brunchwork in Manhattan to connect with industry leaders and meet brilliant peers over a farm-to-table meal (I’ll talk to them about minimizing packaging). My friend told me about brunchwork. I attended an event (with podcast guest Joanne Wilson, her episode is being edited). The community is friendly, welcoming, open, and enthusiastic. You’ll be glad you came. Logistics On Sunday, January 27, I’ll be chatting about leadership and[…] Keep reading →

120: Rules for plogging in New York City

on January 17, 2019 in Blog

If you haven’t started plogging, I recommend it. What’s plogging? It’s a term the Swedish created for picking up garbage when you run. I’ve picked up at least one piece of trash per day for a few years. In fact, this podcast began from a former student who, when he heard of my practice, committed to picking up 10 pieces of trash per day for a month. Most people do[…] Keep reading →

How to bring the third world to a first-world standard of living while saving energy

on January 14, 2019 in Blog

We are swimming in low-hanging fruit Politicians, scientists, journalists, and everyone wonders how to bring third-world communities to first-world standards of living without destroying the environment. It’s 22 F (-5 C) outside. I just closed a window in one place in this building. In another I turned off an air conditioner. I turned off an air conditioner when it’s 22 degrees outside and we’re wondering how to bring others to[…] Keep reading →

How can you tell if you’re a good leader

on January 11, 2019 in Blog

Search how can you tell if you’re a good leader and you’ll get a lot of answers, nearly all vague, like you are approachable or you’re comfortable reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses. Lots of non-leaders reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how you can measure your effectiveness as a leader: People thank you for getting them to work hard Someone thanking you when you get them to work?[…] Keep reading →

114: Dave Asprey: Leading with love

on January 7, 2019 in Blog

If you’re like me, you’ve heard of Bulletproof coffee. Since I don’t drink coffee I didn’t think much of it, but since I heard about it, I figured the guy behind it was good at internet marketing. I’d come to hear Dave name. Also I kept hearing about people losing weight on it and saying they had tons of energy. Still, I didn’t pay too much attention? Was it keto?[…] Keep reading →

The Ethicist: Was I Wrong to Facebook-Friend My Nephew’s Girlfriend?

on January 6, 2019 in Blog, Ethicist

My series answering the New York Times’ Ethicist column with an active, leadership approach instead of an analytical, philosophical perspective continues with “Was I Wrong to Facebook-Friend My Nephew’s Girlfriend?”. I’m a 60-something-year-old man with a social-media problem. Like so many others, I use Facebook. Facebook regularly presents users with images of “People You May Know,” and the opportunity to send them a friend request. One of the people so[…] Keep reading →

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