Category Archives: Blog

See me in Los Angeles in November/December

on October 15, 2018 in Blog

As I’ve been invited to an event called the Summit, I’m going to Los Angeles in early November. That event ends November 5. As I’m taking the train 67 hours each way, I’m inclined to stay longer and make the most of the trip. I’m scheduled to give a couple talks that week at USC and it looks like I’ll give another at a private corporation the next week in[…] Keep reading →

Help me expand

on September 23, 2018 in Blog, Choosing/Decision-Making

You responded with overwhelming support to my last two posts Should I raise funds and market more? Should I write on more controversial issues? I value more views. If you haven’t written, please email. Looking back, I’ve only heard support from readers on voicing controversial views. I think people could tell I want to branch out. Institutions like Inc. have been more conservative, but as one reader wrote, NYU is[…] Keep reading →

Should I write on more controversial issues?

on September 22, 2018 in Blog, Choosing/Decision-Making

I mostly write about leadership, education, learning leadership, fitness, personal growth, the environment, and a few related topics. Most people who talk to me in person know a few topics I talk a lot about but hold back on writing about. They’re controversial and people with different views are powerful and vindictive—politics, especially identity politics, obesity, sexuality, sexual equality, attraction and dating, and a few others. With part of my[…] Keep reading →

Should I raise funds and market more?

on September 21, 2018 in Blog, Choosing/Decision-Making

I chose to write a post every day, then to write a book, then to start a podcast because 1) enough people told me they found my voice unique and valuable, 2) I felt I had things worth saying, and 3) I would grow from the experience. Outside of launching Leadership Step by Step, I haven’t tried to market that much. That launch wasn’t that big, though it took me[…] Keep reading →

055: Our first Leadership and the Environment Panel of Experts

on June 26, 2018 in Blog

Do you care about the environment? Do you care about leading? The Leadership and the Environment podcast NYU’s School of Liberal Studies invite you to listen in our first ever Panel of Leadership and Environment Experts which was held on Tuesday, April 3 rd at the NYU Silver Building Free, register here Featuring  Vincent Stanley Vincent, co-author with Yvon Chouinard of The Responsible Company, has been with Patagonia since its beginning[…] Keep reading →

Which books have made you introspect?

on May 19, 2018 in Blog

I responded to the question, Hi all, Nearly an year ago, I faced a life-shattering crisis that completely wrecked my world view. Since then I have rebuilt up from scratch, and I have found that a lot of the things that I used to believe were false. Books such as Man’s Search for Meaning have been very pivotal in that regard. What books could you recommend for the same? with[…] Keep reading →

Doesn’t checking off a to-do item after a year feel good?

on April 16, 2018 in Blog

Do you ever check an item off a to-do list that’s been there for months? How about for a year or more? Doesn’t it feel good? Every now and then I check something off that took me that long—not wasting time, just involving middle steps and dependencies. I don’t know if other people track things that long, if it’s normal, or what. It feels great. What’s the longest you’ve taken[…] Keep reading →

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