Category Archives: Blog

039: Vincent Stanley, conversation 1: business success through environmental support

on April 3, 2018 in Blog

Vincent shares several stories of Patagonia growing from a few dedicated outdoors people to discovering business growth, the usual ways businesses abandon values besides profit, and their not accepting that abdication of responsibility. The company grew financially, its employees grew emotionally and socially, and its community grew numerically. If you think you’re alone in wanting to act, Vincent and Patagonia go farther. Vincent shares how the company made difficult decisions[…] Keep reading →

032: David Biello, conversation 2: “Way better than I expected … and easier”

on March 6, 2018 in Blog

David challenged himself to reduce his meat eating. His result? Right off the bat, he said he found it way better and easier than expected. He felt good and wants to do more. What are you waiting for? Chances are your choice to live by your values will be easier and you’ll want to do more—if you act. You’ll also hear from David how he made it work—using his community,[…] Keep reading →

025: David Biello, Conversation 1: We Can Do This (transcript)

on February 17, 2018 in Blog

David Biello is one of the few people I’ve met who understands the environmental issues and he’s not complaining, he’s not talking doom and gloom, but he takes a simple but responsible perspective. Not to say that the solutions are simple. He’s very sober about that. He wrote a book called, this is how I met him, he wrote a book called The Unnatural World: The Race to Remake Civilization[…] Keep reading →

021: Emily Ann Peterson, Conversation 2: Turn Off Your Computer

on February 1, 2018 in Blog

During a book launch, Emily still turned off her computer in a stressful time. Book launches are crazy and people want your time like crazy. She still did it. Despite her defining environmental differently than I expected, her experience was similar. As others found, it’s not what you avoid, it’s what you replace it with. I didn’t hear her describe the experience negatively. Instead I heard her talk about ritual,[…] Keep reading →

Daily blog posts: Year 8, day 1

on January 29, 2018 in Blog, Habits,, SIDCHAs

After some scattered posts dating to 2008, today in 2011 I wrote my first post in an unbroken daily series leading to today, with no future break planned. So today is day 1 of year 8. That’s 2,551 days in a row and 2,852 posts (I posted more than one per day), for those keeping track. It become my first sidcha, followed by burpees, cold showers, picking up garbage, and[…] Keep reading →

015: Dov Baron, Conversation 1

on January 18, 2018 in Blog

Dov Baron Dov Baron has been speaking internationally for over 30 years, he’s the man with a finger on the pulse of the evolving world of NextGen leadership. Listen to our conversation. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a master storyteller! Considered by many as the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy[…] Keep reading →

Need motivation on a challenging project? Start with this quote.

on January 9, 2018 in Blog

Podcasters ask me for favorite quotes. I answer with the one below a lot. I can’t prove it right, but I find it describes what happens when you act remarkably accurately. It’s the opposite of analyzing and planning without acting. It tells you that however you plan, acting with resolve will create opportunities and resources beyond what you can plan. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to[…] Keep reading →

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