Category Archives: Blog

All American Wrestler and Coach, Jim Harshaw, episode 006

on December 19, 2017 in Blog

New podcast post: All American Wrestler and Coach, Jim Harshaw, episode 006 Listen to the episode Jim and I have become friends since I did his podcast, Success Through Failure, twice. He’s as friendly and approachable as anyone you’ll meet, despite or maybe because of his reaching the top levels of one of our most demanding sports. I’ll put his description below, but printed words don’t express his enthusiastic approach[…] Keep reading →

Sailing across the Atlantic

on December 18, 2017 in Blog

The longer I avoid flying, the more I learn to make my life as rewarding as I want without craving flying. Still, I wonder if I’ll see Paris and other places I used to fly to again. If I’ll eat Thai food in Thailand. I started looking into hitching rides on cargo ships, but they don’t seem economical and they seem to pollute a lot, negating the point of taking[…] Keep reading →

Texting enables lateness… and now everyone is late to everything

on November 16, 2017 in Blog

You’re preparing for an appointment. You realize you may be late. Then you realize you can text that you’re on your way. You think: keeping them waiting isn’t so bad knowing you had a problem and will be a few minutes late. Whew! That was close. You almost faced results for being late but got out of it. When you’re texting you’ll be late, it feels like a minor get-out-of-jail-free[…] Keep reading →

Curating the daily newsletter

on October 2, 2017 in Blog

A slight policy change that I started recently: instead of posting every post daily, I’m going to curate somewhat and not send out for email every daily post. Some posts I write more for myself or I suspect won’t be as popular. This post, for example, I’m not going to send as a daily newsletter. It will still appear as a blurb in the weekly newsletter and on the blog.[…] Keep reading →

Why do you read my blog? How often do you read it?

on September 11, 2017 in Blog

Hello daily readers, I haven’t asked you in a while about your thoughts and feelings about the blog. I’d love to hear from you. Do you mind responding by email or in the comments below: Why do you read my blog? What do you like and want more of? What do you dislike and want less of? Any advice to improve it? Anything I didn’t think to ask? I expect[…] Keep reading →

My favorite posts

on September 5, 2017 in Blog

With thousands of posts, where do you begin? I recommend scanning the archives. Here are some favorites: My TEDx talks Book page: Leadership Step by Step Book page: Initiative Webinar: Life Changing Habits Self-imposed daily challenging healthy activities (sidchas) Burpees Cold showers Avoiding food packaging I swam across the Hudson River Podcast: Top downloaded guest episodes Podcast: 500: This Podcast’s Next Milestone Podcast: I lost $10 million on September 11,[…] Keep reading →

I get furious sometimes too

on March 14, 2017 in Blog

For all I write about emotional skills, social skills, and keeping calm, sometimes I get furious like anyone else. It’s happened a few times recently. Amid overwhelming success, looking back, the book launch had problems. And it was crunch time for over a month. I’ve worked through plenty of crunch times, but even a lot of experience can’t overcome all emotional challenges. You can get angry when you have expectations,[…] Keep reading →

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