Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

What is entrepreneurial marketing and why should I care?

on April 24, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship

I’m teaching Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales at NYU. People ask me what entrepreneurial marketing means as opposed to any other kind of marketing. The disciplines didn’t arise out of the blue. They arose out of what works. If you want to run a company or lead a group that wants to influence others, you’ll benefit from knowing what works, so you’ll benefit from understanding marketing in general and entrepreneurial marketing[…] Keep reading →

The problem with business books, and a solution

on April 17, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Why do you read business books? I’ve asked people that question lately and a common theme runs through their answers. They read business books to improve their performance. They read them to get this feeling, like when the read something like that mastery takes ten thousand hours of dedicated effort: “That’s a useful piece of information [or technique]. Now that I know it I can use it to get ahead.”[…] Keep reading →

See my New York Academy of Science interview!

on April 10, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Nature

“Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin were members of this organization!” I thought when I first spoke at the New York Academy of Sciences. So were Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Edison, I later found. To speak at the same organization isn’t that big a deal, but it feels like it counts for something. I’ve spoken there several more times, generally about leadership skills for scientists and geeky people like myself. Many[…] Keep reading →

Seminar testimonial: tears of gratitude from leading an employee so they want you to lead them again

on April 9, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

An attendee from March’s seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again”, wrote about her experience using the techniques of the seminar at her job—that is, leading employees so they want you to lead them again. She also has an MBA from Columbia and works at a prestigious firm. Josh, you may be interested to know I took out an Associate who will be working[…] Keep reading →

See an NYU panel on Women in Entrepreneurship April 21!

on April 8, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

As the faculty advisor to NYU’s special interest housing floor for entrepreneurship, I asked my residents what types of events they wanted. Among the responses was that they wanted exposure to women in entrepreneurship. I asked a friend if she would speak. She responded with several women who could speak. The entrepreneur in me seeing high demand and high supply knew there was opportunity in bringing them together. I followed[…] Keep reading →

If they’re talking, you’re winning

on April 4, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

An old saying in sales says that If they’re talking, you’re winning. The phrase says a lot and suggests effective strategies. (You have to forget how it implies the interaction has a winner and loser). How do you get someone talking a lot? The best way I know is to get them talking about what matters to them. What matters to them is what motivates them. If you’re talking, you’ll[…] Keep reading →

Bored at work? Looking for a new job means you’re probably looking in the wrong place

on April 3, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

I saw this ad in the subway and confess it made me smile, but if you want to like your job more, I suggest it gives counterproductive advice and focuses your attention in the wrong place. The door was opening and I didn’t have time to get all the text, but it reads If the best part of your day is taking a 20-minute break to throw birds at pigs,[…] Keep reading →

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