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Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams

on December 9, 2016 in, Leadership, Tips

My post on today “Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams,” begins Want Results? 29 Ways to Support Your Teams To achieve more or rise faster, you need great teams. Teams do as well as you support them. Do you support yours enough? If you want to achieve more for yourself, to do more for your firm, or to rise to the top, teamwork will always beat what[…] Keep reading →

If You Voted for Trump, Let’s Meet.

on December 2, 2016 in

My post on the other day, “If You Voted for Trump, Let’s Meet.,” began If You Voted for Trump, Let’s Meet. Two key skills in leadership are empathy and compassion. Is either side trying to understand or empathize with the other? Living in Manhattan, I confess I don’t know a single person who says he or she voted for Donald Trump. I consider New York City one of the[…] Keep reading →

The Truth Behind Trump’s ‘Hoax’

on December 1, 2016 in

My post yesterday, “The Truth Behind Trump’s ‘Hoax’,” began The Truth Behind Trump’s ‘Hoax’ Entrepreneurs and big business know that meeting demand to curb emissions is good business. How can we get our president-elect to agree? First, some context: Tesla is wagering $2.6 billion on renewable energy Tesla is running an entire island on solar power Google pledged to nearly double its renewable energy investment Many in big business[…] Keep reading →

If You Don’t Live in the Past, You Never Get Old

on November 30, 2016 in

My article today, “If You Don’t Live in the Past, You Never Get Old,” began If You Don’t Live in the Past, You Never Get Old If you look backward, you see what you lost. If you look forward, you see opportunity. I recommend looking forward. Mainstream American culture loves youth. It led me for most of my 45 years to expect life to get worse. Instead it’s gotten[…] Keep reading →

How Donald Trump Can Make Himself One of the Greatest Presidents in History

on November 15, 2016 in, Leadership

My article yesterday, “How Donald Trump Can Make Himself One of the Greatest Presidents in History,” began How Donald Trump Can Make Himself One of the Greatest Presidents in History He is uniquely positioned to advance America as much as anyone before, in 2 steps. A man who ridicules global warming won the presidency. Being miserable doesn’t help, so while some protest and others counter-protest, I look ahead to[…] Keep reading →

This COO Shares His No. 1 Best Way to Advance

on November 11, 2016 in, Leadership

My post today, “This COO Shares His No. 1 Best Way to Advance,” begins This COO Shares His No. 1 Best Way to Advance Nothing moves you up faster than moving your team up. To advance yourself, advance your team. I noticed the conversations with one of my clients–Scott Moody, COO and CFO of the Bonten Media Group—often included discussions on his efforts to help his team with their[…] Keep reading →

Why She Lost

on November 9, 2016 in, Leadership

My post today, “Why She Lost,” begins Why She Lost A two-part lesson in leadership we can all learn from Two glaring reasons explain Hillary Clinton’s loss. We can all learn from them. First: Emotional Skills What makes someone a leader? More than anything else, they must motivate others to achieve a goal. Motivation means emotions. As carpenters work with saws and tools on wood, surgeons work with scalpels[…] Keep reading →

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