Category Archives:

Science: Your Vote Matters

on November 8, 2016 in

My post on today, “Science: Your Vote Matters,” begins Science: Your Vote Matters Even in noncompetitive states, research shows that votes count more than previously believed. Do you live in a decided district and feel unmotivated to vote? If you live in a battleground state, you know your vote counts. What about in decided states? It turns out your vote counts in decided states and districts too, according to[…] Keep reading →

Op/ed Friday: Global warming is like an unintended pregnancy

on November 4, 2016 in, Nature

My article today, “How Global Warming Is Like an Unintended Pregnancy,” began How Global Warming Is Like an Unintended Pregnancy It’s inevitable. Our choices and behavior still affect future generations. Do we give up or take responsibility? A lot of people, especially engineers who act like they “know the science behind it best,” at least in my experience, point out how global warming will have serious effects no matter[…] Keep reading →

3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them

on October 26, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship,

My article today, “3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them,” begins 3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them Do you wish you could commit to a passion like your role models? Here are 3 hurdles nearly everyone has to overcome. “Jane,” a student in my entrepreneurship class, asked during office hours: Josh, I like how you’re making this class experiential, but my project[…] Keep reading →

I Wrote 70 Gratitude Emails. Here Are My Awesome Results

on October 19, 2016 in

My article today, “I Wrote 70 Gratitude Emails. Here Are My Awesome Results” began I Wrote 70 Gratitude Emails. Here Are My Awesome Results Science shows gratitude improves your life. I expressed it and found out for myself. You can too. Research shows gratitude helps your brain, well-being, and business. I had an experience that helped develop gratitude, like a skill. The exercise was free, rewarding, and improved my[…] Keep reading →

Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!

on October 12, 2016 in

My article today, “Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!,” began Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year! I vowed not to fly for a year to reduce emissions. Can two heads of car companies help make it happen? Marshall Goldsmith is making my life difficult. Elon Musk and Alan Mulally can help and you’ll benefit from it. I’ll[…] Keep reading →

How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential

on October 5, 2016 in Fitness,

My article yesterday, “How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential,” began How This Bodybuilder With Cerebral Palsy Can Help You Reach Your Potential Can his example lead you to achieve something you thought you couldn’t? Why are we here at if not to be part of a community focused on improving ourselves, leading others, setting examples, and changing the world? And what are[…] Keep reading →

Marshall Goldsmith: How to Become More Than Just No. 1

on October 4, 2016 in, Leadership

My second piece from last Monday, “Marshall Goldsmith: How to Become More Than Just No. 1,” began Marshall Goldsmith: How to Become More Than Just No. 1 Faced with the challenge of nowhere to go but down, Marshall Goldsmith offers the world his wisdom, and keeps going up Successful leaders know how to keep leading. We can learn from them. Inc. has written about Marshall Goldsmith many times. He[…] Keep reading →

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