Category Archives: Leadership

Hear me on the Carbon Sessions, from the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network, started by Seth Godin

on November 25, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

Seth Godin was one of my first podcast guests and I interviewed him at his home north of the city. He also endorsed my book Leadership Step by Step. He has huge followings who love his work. I know because at his home, I saw the huge piles of handwritten thank-you notes he received, all opened, all clearly read. He recently put out the word to his community that the[…] Keep reading →

When a heavy polluter says “we need to bring energy to the world’s poorest,” watch your wallet

on November 24, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

Let’s get one thing out of the way. Everyone claims to want to help poor people, poor countries, the sick, children, old people, and other vulnerable populations. Everyone claims to want to help everyone live longer, healthier lives. Nobody claims to want to hurt the vulnerable. After you hear enough heavy polluters say it, you recognize it as empty rhetoric to make themselves feel better and disarm opponents. The question[…] Keep reading →

Bringing the solar panels to the roof in the cold, on the verge of six months.

on November 21, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

If you think pollution, pushing people off their land, and putting homo sapiens at risk of global collapse is some abstract future risk, I invite you to take your head out of the sand. People are dying by the millions annually from pollution today. Fossil fuel companies pay militias to enslave, rape, and kill people for oil. I prefer not to look away, nor to limit my imagination to thinking[…] Keep reading →

Why values are more important than technology: Eli Whitney’s cotton gin

on November 12, 2022 in Leadership

The values and goals of a system determine how a technology serves it. Technology isn’t good or bad. People have values, not technology. Technology augments the values of the people using it (as does legislation). Changing technology alone will not help with the environment. It will augment the values of people using it. It will accelerate what we’re already doing, in particular, it will lead to more pollution. People often[…] Keep reading →

Elements of the brighter future I envision

on November 7, 2022 in Leadership

I haven’t written out the vision for the future that seems so clear to me in how preferable all will consider it compared to today, yet unimaginable to nearly everyone addicted to the comfort and convenience pollution allows. Of eight billion, nearly no one even wants to try. Towering over all other aspects of life after we stop polluting will be the horror we look back on the cruelty of[…] Keep reading →

Another month with zero kilowatt-hours

on November 5, 2022 in Freedom, Leadership

I started my experiment about two weeks off my electric billing cycle, so about two weeks into my sixth month, I think this bill marks my fifth in a row with zero kilowatt-hours: Every month from the first until this one, I’ve thought I couldn’t go on much longer and expected to give up. But I keep thinking of people displaced from their land for fuel and minerals I don’t[…] Keep reading →

Read my story in TIME Magazine: “I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year”

on November 4, 2022 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

TIME magazine is an icon of American journalism. In a few months, it turns one hundred years old. I grew up reading it. Its covers help define our culture. Today it printed its first story from me: I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In Manhattan for Half-a-Year. Click to read the story. Here’s a screen shot of the top of the story: Click to read the rest: I’ve Been Living Off-Grid In[…] Keep reading →

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