Category Archives: Leadership

If no one tried to live more sustainably and I knew I could change no one, I would still do what I’m doing: stopping hurting others.

on December 21, 2022 in Leadership

The reader who asked about my sharing that wind and solar aren’t clean, green, or renewable later commented: “the information is quite disturbing”. I agree, or rather agreed before realizing how much polluting less isn’t the deprivation and sacrifice our culture says, but improves life. I responded: The information may be disturbing, but I’d rather know than not know, especially if the information is that I’m hurting people for my[…] Keep reading →

Who should decide if public transit should be free? What the answer means for sustainability.

on December 18, 2022 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership

A friend commented that public transportation should be free. I texted back “I concur.” I’ve considered the issue from many angles before. There are many pros and cons and I’ve concluded the benefits outweigh the costs. Many agree. “Around 100 cities in the world offer free public transit, the vast majority of them in Europe, especially France and Poland,” according to the New York Times’ piece Should Public Transit Be[…] Keep reading →

RIP Frances Hesselbein, one of my great inspirations

on December 12, 2022 in Leadership, Stories

I received this email this morning from the Director of Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership and Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs: Dear Friends, It is with great sadness that I write to inform you of the passing of Frances Hesselbein, our mentor, friend, and the namesake of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum. Frances was an inspiration to all of us,[…] Keep reading →

More Polluting Less: Another Zero Kilowatt-hour Bill

on December 9, 2022 in Addiction, Leadership, Nature

I’d say I was getting bored of posting about zero kilowatt-hour electric bill except that pollution kills and we can all pollute less. I’m not polluting less for fun, though it improves my life, but to help people like you see it’s possible so you can try. Are you trying? If so, email me and tell me. I’d love to support you or just hear about it. For others, if[…] Keep reading →

Believing our population or economy can grow forever is like believing the Earth is flat

on December 8, 2022 in Leadership, Models

Following up on my noticing that the “logic” that concludes Malthus was wrong would also conclude Columbus was wrong about being able to sail west from Europe to reach Asia. That he missed two continents and an ocean doesn’t change that you can sail west from Europe to reach Asia. It’s just farther than he expected, and you have to go around the tip of South America. Likewise, Malthus missing[…] Keep reading →

Proposal for a New Holidays: “Fall Unplug the Fridge Day” and “Spring Plug-in Day”

on December 6, 2022 in Leadership, Nature

A guest who listens to the podcast and lives in Norway mentioned while we recorded that he was renovating his kitchen, which meant his family had to go without a fridge for ten days. He said knowing about me not using my fridge for over a year gave him perspective to handle the situation easily. He also remarked on how it was cold outside and it didn’t make sense to[…] Keep reading →

The Spodek Method Mindset Shift: Before and After. A World of Difference.

on November 26, 2022 in Leadership, Models

People interviewing me consistently ask “what can one person do?” If people are in the mainstream mindset, giving them instruction will more likely reinforce their current state. That is, if they think stopping polluting activities will make no difference or risk reverting to the Stone Age, then suggesting they plant more trees or avoid straws will seem pointless and make you look foolish in their eyes. I suggest starting with[…] Keep reading →

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