Category Archives: Perception

365 days, flying, and the definition of impossibility

on November 3, 2016 in Nature, Perception

I’ve been asking people lately When was the last time 365 days passed in your life without flying? Interesting question? Most people I ask can’t remember, so it’s probably been decades. Several people have commented that it would be “impossible” to go a year without flying. That’s an odd use of the word “impossible” that says more about them than you’d think. The Wright brothers first flew in 1903. Before[…] Keep reading →

You drink too much water, probably

on October 14, 2016 in Fitness, Perception

You’ve heard to drink eight cups of water a day. I can’t count how many times I have. There is zero medical or scientific evidence supporting the advice. None. There never was and never will be. I hear people suggest it so often, feeling they’re helping people when they’re just repeating uninformed, confused misinformation, I couldn’t help but post on it. This site—Snopes—summarizes the science debunking the myth, with citations[…] Keep reading →

Creating more life: more tomatoes! … and the sweetness of vegetables

on September 16, 2016 in Fitness, Nature, Perception

In “Creating life … my first tomato!” I wrote about my first gardening experiments and how proud I was of my first tomato growing. That’s nothing compared to people who seriously garden, but I have low standards the first time and this is a first time. It turns out it’s a cherry tomato. Also, I learned that tomato plants usually need insects to pollinate the flowers and cause them to[…] Keep reading →

Was where you are once stunningly beautiful?

on August 8, 2016 in Nature, Perception

How far do you have to travel to see stunningly beautiful nature? Not necessarily Grand Canyon or Yosemite level grandeur, but at least something you can’t help but pause to take in? Now consider this: imagine where you are now before humans arrived, or even after we arrived but before roads, gas stations, and landfills. How beautiful was it then? Artist renditions of pre-human Manhattan based on archaeological data look[…] Keep reading →

“I don’t know which I like more: a juicy, ripe peach in season, or the rest of the universe”

on July 5, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Nature, Perception

After the peach I just ate, I don’t know which I like more: a juicy, ripe peach in season, or the rest of the universe. I can’t believe people eat candy and junk when fruit and vegetables exist in the world. I used to, so if I think about it I can understand it, but I don’t want to any more. Not after letting my taste buds heal from the[…] Keep reading →

Social battles won and lost

on June 25, 2016 in Perception

If I had to count winners and losers in big social and political battles, I’d write them out this way. I’m not describing my views, just how I’d call it based on the outcomes I see, maybe being melodramatic but I don’t think groundlessly. According to, a crowd-sourced database of U.S. mass shootings that defines a “mass shooting” as a single outburst of violence in which four or more[…] Keep reading →

Have you noticed this distinction in flavors?

on June 16, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Nature, Perception

Most of my life, I’ve liked eating apples and I’ve liked eating potato chips. I would say they both tasted good as a result. Doesn’t wanting to eat something mean it tastes good? I’d like to suggest a subtle distinction. Actually, it’s only subtle at first. After you realize it, it becomes obvious and changes how you think about food and eat. At least it did for me. It led[…] Keep reading →

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