“I don’t know which I like more: a juicy, ripe peach in season, or the rest of the universe”

July 5, 2016 by Joshua
in Awareness, Fitness, Nature, Perception

After the peach I just ate,

I don’t know which I like more: a juicy, ripe peach in season, or the rest of the universe.

juicy peach

I can’t believe people eat candy and junk when fruit and vegetables exist in the world. I used to, so if I think about it I can understand it, but I don’t want to any more.

Not after letting my taste buds heal from the damage Kraft, Frito-Lay, and so on inflicted on them and came to appreciate freshness, ripeness, and in-seasonness.

The flavor in a peach, plum, pear, collard green, cabbage, and other things I eat with no more preparation than washing is shocking, in the best way. Dandelion greens and mustard greens I almost can’t keep in my mouth from the flavor.

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