Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?
My Inc. article today, “Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?,” responded to a New York Times opinion piece yesterday that I found lame, even sad.
My piece begins
Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?
A New York Times editorial illustrates our limited vision about our shared world
Inc. readers are resourceful. We dream big.
We entrepreneurs and visionaries are inspired by our predecessors in science, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, NASA, and so on. People who launched humans to the moon, doubled transistors per chip every 18 months for generations, worked for equality and fairness, beat humans at chess and Jeopardy!, and more.
We look to Mars, fusion, and artificial intelligence with optimism despite, or even becausethey are hard. We take on big challenges.
Except changing our personal behavior to pollute less
The New York Times yesterday published an opinion piece, “What You Can Do About Climate Change,” that is the climate-change equivalent of President Kennedy challenging the nation, instead of going to the moon, to build a building a few feet taller than than the Empire State Building.
We would have created a new world’s tallest building, but a far cry from reaching the moon.
Read the rest at Why Do We Dream Big About Everything Except Changing Our Behavior to Pollute Less?
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