Hear me again on the Ask Women podcast on seductive conversation
You may remember from my post Hear me on the Ask Women podcast that I spoke about my coaching men on attraction and seduction for a few years as the #1 coach in the #1 market for the #1 guru. That post began describing that podcast:
What do a female comic and a professional wing girl have in common? The realistically raw and hilarious perspectives on what women ACTUALLY want in a man. Prepare to be offended and awed as Marni Kinrys & Kristen Carney take you through the uncensored and often ridiculous mind of a woman to help you better understand, appreciate, and avoid getting punched by the next girl you come across.
They invited me back and posted my second episode Ep. 362 Seductive Conversations and How To Get “the Goodsâ€.
Why I come back to learning attraction
In a blog moving increasingly toward living joyfully sustainably, why do I keep coming back to teaching and coaching attraction? Because after learning leadership in the classroom, it’s where I first started practicing social and emotional skills. I knew few men less skilled than me in this area, maybe none. I probably thought higher of myself than most too—a disastrous mix for learning. That I learned and mastered the skills means nearly anyone can.
Also because who doesn’t want to learn to attract people you’re attracted to?
In this conversation one-on-one with Kristen (Marni was traveling), she pushed me to demonstrate how to make a girl feel comfortable sharing her passions and other vulnerabilities, then to lead her with them. Though I did it in that context, our interaction applies to all types of influence.
Here’s the episode. I recommend listening. I’d love your thoughts.
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